Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Thrill of Daffodils ~~ Old School or Frills?

Who knew these yellow harbingers of spring were such troublemakers?  At a recent estate sale, I unearthed a book of collective articles by a local retired garden writer.  That dollar purchase grew a huge return on investment.  

While full of practical and knowledgeable garden advice, the articles were  written in the nineteen seventies and eighties--a time when the industry began to literally bloom with new offerings, introductions and cross breeds.  The struggle of this writer to accept the new yet remain true to mainstay plants is an overriding theme.

Gardeners are adaptable, but at the same time protective of reliable species that
diminish in commercial availability due to a decrease in demand.  The cause?  New introductions of "sexier" plants sprouting colors and accents not seen before in the yard. 

Whatever the make and model, these sunny blooms brighten up the landscape and provide a sunny contrast to the gray skies of spring.